Monday 30 May 2016

Parramatta Heritage Under Threat

Member of the Parramatta Historical Society and National Trust Karen Brown says:
There are 1820s Francis Greenway Parramatta Female Factory buildings in the Cumberland Mental Hospital precinct in North Parramatta that are subject to Nsw Urban Growth rezoning and private sell off.

There is incredible colonial convict history contained within this 30 hectare site on the banks of the Parramatta River that many members of the public wouldn't even know exist seeing as NSW Health use the site as a mental hospital.

The local residents are trying to circulate interest in the sydney residents to attend a community rally to show solidarity and support to stop any new buildings being built and land sold to developers.

The government wants super lots sold to developers and built close to these old buildings. it's hard to show the Government that people care about its importance when many Sydneysiders don't even know these buildings are here to protect.

The North Parramatta Residents Action Group of only 100 or so people are trying to inform Sydneysiders of these plans and hope you will join us for a rally this Sunday 5th June, meeting at 11am at Parramatta Stadium carpark.

For more information about these issues go to

All images K Brown.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Karen and Ian for this support. NPRAG has grown to more than 200 members and 500 supporters and has gathered considerable media support, but you are right - the site is still largely unknown, because of its current and prior use. Check out the detail of Sunday's march, which will proceed no matter what the weather
