Friday 24 February 2017

Camden Town Centre Developments

This poster appeared at the Camden Community Markets this week. It is encouraging anyone who has a view to attend a community open day.

Camden Town Centre Urban Design Framework

The aim of the open day is the development of the Camden Town Centre Urban Design Framework.
At the open day you are encouraged to share your thoughts and provide local insights. This is yet another attempt by Camden Council at community engagement around the Camden town centre.

The open day is held on 4 March with two locations:
1. Camden Produce Markets from 8.00-10.00am, and
2. Outside Blooms Chemist in Argyle Street from 12.30-3.30pm.

So if you have a big idea for the town centre area you are encourged to attend and tell the hired consultants, who are Sydney architects  McGregor Coxall.  These consultants are a firm of architects who state on their website that their principle roles are landscape architects, urbanism, environment and biocity research by making cities and communities sustainable, meaningful and resilient.

This is a place making exercise that will attempt to development the concept of the Camden Town Centre Urban Design Framework. What does this mean? It means that Camden Council feels that it needs to develop or re-develop the town centre. The key concepts that McGregor Coxall are concerned with are making the town centre more sustainable, meaningful and resilient for the local community. It is all about the community's sense of place and identity.

What does this mean for you?

If you have any concerns about the town centre you should be part of the process and get involved in this process.

Camden Region Economic Taskforce (CRET)

A not unrelated matter is announcement this week by Camden Council for honorary directors and chairperson for the Camden Region Economic Taskforce (CRET).

The advertisement states that the Camden LGA has a 'unique history and rural backdrop'. The CRET is a company limited by guarantee with the express aim to 
drive and facilitate economic growth in the Camden LGA through leadership, advocacy, coordination and recognition of our unique heritage. 
The CRET is to maintain a 'balance' between economic growth while
maintaining  Camden's unique historic heritage and natural environment. 
Anyone who has any questions on the CRET they should contact Camden Council and speak to Mark Anderson  0418 864 866 or Lindy Hyam  0417 886 826.

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