Wednesday 4 September 2019

Unlock The Past

Unlock Camden 2019

Camden's past is full of interesting stories about all sorts of things. What is the story of this picture? (Camden Images)

Tell us your story.

Be part of Camden’s Living History.

Camden Brass Band (Camden Images)

An appeal has been put out to the Camden community to tell people your story.

The easiest way it to use the hashtag #mycamdenstory on one of the many social media sites.

Visit the Camden Museum.

Camden Royal Hotel in Argyle Street Camden. (Camden Images)

Learn lots of stories about the past with the exciting displays and strange objects.

Experience Camden’s past, its stories, its characters and its wags. Immerse yourself in their stories.

Visit a local art gallery.

Macaria was once the offices of Camden Council and Camden Library and is now the Alan Baker Art Gallery. (Camden Images)

Learn stories told in pictures.

Local artists and others tell their own stories through sketches and painting.

Experience their world at Macaria – the Alan Baker Art Gallery in John Street Camden.

Talk to a volunteer of a local organisation.

Learn their story at their stalls in the forecourt of the Macaria in John Street Camden.

Listen to stories told in music from The Honeysippers – a bunch of local musicians.

All this is one local contribution to History Week 2019.